Issue Position: Create New Jobs/Diversify our Economy/Provide Tax Relief

Issue Position

Create New Jobs

Government does not create jobs, but it does create the environment that either encourages or discourages job creation. Reducing taxes and excessive government regulation will encourage existing businesses to expand and attract new businesses to our state. Encouraging job creation will be my top priority.

Diversify our Economy

For too long, Florida's economy has been dependent on three industries; agriculture, tourism and development. The Great Recession has shown that a more diverse state economy is needed. The "New Florida" Initiative will strategically invest in higher education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to push Florida into the "knowledge based" economy required to diversify our state's economy and attract high-tech, high-wage jobs.

I support geographic industry clusters to provide regional synergies to spur free market growth and development.

Provide Tax Relief

Florida's tax code places our state at a competitive disadvantage in 3 areas.

1. Florida is the only state in the nation that levies a tangible property tax on business equipment.
2. Florida does not allow full depreciation on plant and equipment.
3. Florida does not allow existing companies a sales tax exemption for the purchase of replacement plant and equipment. Florida only allows the exemption for new or expanding businesses.

If Florida is going to diversify our economy and create jobs, then it needs a tax code that levels the playing field with the rest of the nation. The tangible property tax on business equipment must be repealed. The sales tax exemption needs to be expanded to include existing businesses struggling to keep jobs in Florida.
